Causes of the downfall of the Marathas or breakup of the Maratha confederacy
Causes of the downfall of the Marathas or breakup of the Maratha confederacy In fact, the English captured the empire of India not from the Mughals but from the Marathas. After the death of Aurangzeb, the Mughal empire degenerated very quickly. It was broken into pieces and among the regional powers, the Marathas became the most powerful in India. Of … Read More
Factors responsible for the collapse of French power in India
Factors responsible for the collapse of French power in India The French Company in India was ably served by many capable French officers. Dumas and Dupleix possessed vision; Bussy was a shrewd diplomat and Lally was a daring commander. Yet, the French failed against the English. Various factors were responsible for their failure, such as :- Superior position of the … Read More
Annexation of Sindh by the British – 1843
Annexation of Sindh by the British – 1843 Three factors influenced the policy of the English towards Sindh. One was that they could have facility for trade with Punjab and north-west India through the river Indus. The second was that Sindh could be occupied by Ranjit Singh which they never desired. The third was the fear of Russian attack on … Read More