Chief Worldwide Styles and Designs in Architecture

Sansar LochanHistory of the WorldLeave a Comment


The architectural styles widely defer throughout the world. Different regions have evolved their own styles of structures. These styles are very individual in design and formation. In fact they represent the individual entities of the different areas throughout the Globe. There is a historical perspective to the development of these styles. Have a look at chief worldwide style and designs in architecture mentioned below. Below is given a list of various architectural styles and designs.

List of Various Architectural Styles and Designs


The style of the Goths, characterized by crude decorations and the pointed Arch, prevalent in Western Europe and England from twelfth to sixteenth century.


The Greek style of architecture consists of three well-known orders or different types:-

a) Iconic

Iconic order was invented by Ionian Greeks in Western Asia Minor. The distinguishing characteristics of the Ionic order consisted in the double lateral volutes of the capital.

b) Doric

The Dorian order of architecture was followed by the Dorians in Greece. It is one of the earliest orders in architecture and is characterized by columns having no base. The flutings are large and few but not deep. The capital is of the plainest character. It is one of the earlier rustic Greek styles.

c) Corinthian

Greek architecture which originally arose from Corinth. It is a much more styles mentioned above, and is characterized by fluted columns and the capitals engraven with acanthus leaves.


The Roman style of architecture prevalent in the Roman Empire and in Western Europe from 5th to 12th century. Unlike the Gothic style, the Romanesque is characterized by a round-headed arch.


Norman is a variety of the Romanesque style. It is also characterized by a round-headed arch. It was first originated in Normandy (France).


Byzantine style first originated in Constantinople, formerly known as Byzantine. The style has been greatly the product of Oriental influence. It is characterized by a rounded arch and dome and the frequent use of cross, circle and mosaic.


Arabesque is a style of architecture perfected by the Arabs. It was characterized by minarets, round domes, the use of half circle, mosaic and fanciful floral forms for the ornamentation of flat surfaces.


Moorish is a variety of Arabesque, followed by the Mohammedan conquerors in Spain. The Alhambra is the finest example of Moorish art.


Mughal is another variety of the Arabesque, but considerably influenced by Hindu architecture. It is characterized by the use of domes and squares, triangular arches and floral mosaic and fine decorations cut in stone. Taj Mahal at Agra is one of the finest examples of Mughal Art  in India.


This style embodies nature symbolism in outer decoration. Madura temples are the finest example of Hindu architecture and their outer decorations remind one of a forest teeming with life. The dome is not round-headed like the Arabesque but pointed at the top and rectangular at the base. The use of triangle and square is very common. Human features are a general feature of outer decorations.


Mongol style mostly prevalent in China, Japan, Siam, Malay, Tibet, Burma and Kashmir. It is characterized by fine wood tracery and broad rectangular facades one over another like a palm grove. The style is crude and primitive.


Invented by ancient Egyptians. Hieroglyphic decoration and Pyramidal structures are the common features of the Egyptian style. The Great Pyramids of Egypt are a wonderful example of the high and rugged beauty and strength of this old type of architecture.

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