[Explained] Solar Energy – Thermal Solar Power and Solar Photovoltaic

Sansar LochanIndian EconomyLeave a Comment

Solar energy is an important source of non-conventional energy. Sun is the main source of energy for all the living beings. Man is using the solar energy in different ways since ancient times. It is cheap, widely available, renewable, inexhaustible, eco-friendly and sustainable source of energy. It is now being used from many purposes such as, water heating, space heating, distillation plants, air conditions, cooking, power generation and so on.

Solar Energy

India is tropical country and is well endowed with plenty of solar energy. Most parts of the country have bright sunshine throughout the year except monsoon period. Usually India has nearly 300 to 330 clear sunny days. The average amount of solar energy received in the earth atmosphere is about 1353 Kw per sq meter. The solar energy received by the total landmass of India is very large about 2.2 trillion Kw per day.

In India, Rajasthan which almost has clear sky throughout the year. Hence, it is ideal region for the development of solar energy. Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, Bihar are the other producing states of solar energy.

Do you Know?

The world’s largest solar steam cooking system has been installed at Tirumala in Andhra Pradesh. In India several types of solar applications have been developed i.e. solar water heaters, solar cookers etc.

There are three main forms of utilization of solar energy –

  1. Thermal solar power
  2. Solar photovoltaic
  3. Photosynthesis

Solar Thermal Energy

Under this system solar energy is converted into thermal energy with the help of solar collectors and receivers. It is used for water heating, space heating, cooking, crop dying, water desalination, industrial process heat, water pumping, power generation etc. It is a simple and a common mode of solar energy utilization. It has some advantages such as low pollution, cost, savings etc. In India it has wide applications in rural as well as urban areas.

Solar Photovoltaic

Solar photovoltaic technology is direct conversion of sunlight into electricity without involving any moving part like turbine etc. and without causing pollution. In India there are more than 10,00000 S.P.V. systems have been installed. This system is used in various purpose like home and street lighting, water pumping and telecommunication. This is also increasing use use of remote villages, hamlets, hospitals, households in the hilly, desert and island.

The approximately potential of S.P.V. system in India is 20 M.W. per sq.km. In India first solar photovoltaic centre has been started at Barmer village in Rajasthan with installed capacity of 150 MW of solar energy. Two big S.P.V. project of 100 KW each have been installed at Kalyanpur in Aligarh and Sorasadi in Mann district of Uttar Pradesh.

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